Dear friends,
We have wonderful news to share with you! Our program Peace Education and Ecocitizenship carried out by the cultural collective Fora da Caixa team in partnership with Educational Institute André Luiz was selected to participate in the Global Forum 2025 – Reimagining Humanity Education for the Third Millennium
which will be held between the 13th and 15th of February at Azim Premji University in Bangalore, India. See the link: Home Conference – The human being in education in the third millennium
We received support from the Dalai Lama Trust to cover food, accommodation and part of the air ticket to India. We are committed to making this dream come true and to do so we would like to count on your support. We are carrying out a crowdfunding to complement the amount we need to buy the return ticket, which is currently about US $ 1.000,00, varying depending on the dollar exchange rate.
As we found out about our participation in December, we had little time to prepare financially, which is why we are here asking for your collaboration. Any amount will help us, as we remember that everyone involved in the Fora da Caixa collective and Educandário are volunteers and the children and young people pay absolutely nothing to participate in the project.
If you want to know this year’s results, visit the article link:
For us, as educators, the most important thing is to have recognition of the quality and pioneering spirit of our initiatives and work internationally, for us this is a dream and an achievement. We will be deeply grateful to anyone who can help us in any way.
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If we come together we can create the foundations for new models of education and more compassionate human beings aware of the changes that the world needs to become a better planet for everyone.
This is an international initiative that was launched by thinkers and educators around the world who are concerned about certain trends in educational policies and systems. Of particular concern are instrumental approaches, too rigid guidance by states and commercial interests, the decline in critical thinking, the undue intertwining of education with the economy and too strong management of educational institutions and their citizens. As a result, education does not respond adequately to the world’s problems and does not fulfill its most important function, to help develop thoughtful society builders.
The Initiative began with a group of educational philosophers, and the first discussions about this idea took place in the fall of 2017 in Bangalore, at Azim Premji University. In the spring of 2018, a brief idea for a project was written and presented to the Dalai Lama and received his support. Subsequently, several people, including colleagues from Brazil, Finland and Russia, and academics, educators and organizations from other countries joined this initiative, resulting in the group now comprising participants from 20 countries.
THE Global Forum 2025 seeks to examine current challenges for education and offer new possibilities for educational processes, policies and practices. Attention will be paid to what it means to be human in the third millennium, in the context of social and political crises, the rapid development of AI and other technologies, and the establishment of new relationships between humanity and the entirety of Nature and planet Earth .
We will be among the invited participants, our proposals will be included in the conference program and will be shared with a diverse group of academics, teachers, researchers, members of civil society, professionals and students, among others, from around the world. The Forum will highlight diversity of voices and perspectives in the program format and will include workshops, round tables, talks and poster presentations.
We are very honored and happy to be among educators and researchers of such prestige and relevance, this is the result of our program of Peace Education and Ecocitizenship which had excellent results in 2024, being a completely voluntary and independent project that every year brings us more joy, fulfillment and incredible results for the young participants and for our team who are so lovingly dedicated to the actions.
We count on your support and collaboration!
Hands in prayer,
Regina Proença